Curator: Leila Mehulić
Text written by: Leila Mehulić
Designers: Nika Pavlinek and Aleksandar Kovač
Radnička Gallery, 11 December 2012 – 18 January 2013
Exhibition funded by Marijan Hanžeković
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Ivana Tomljenović Meller was a Croatian student who was a part of the Bauhaus School of Architecture, Arts and Crafts - one of the most interesting phenomena of the twentieth century. The Bauhaus was a school that laid the foundations of modern, sustainable design from its establishment in 1919 to the closure in 1933. In addition to a revolutionary shift in terms of visual arts, Bauhaus was equally important for its ideology that had a great influence on its students. The school's founder, Walter Gropius, had a vision about a school in which all the arts and crafts would unite in a “Cathedral of Socialism” and being a Bauhausler meant having an enthusiastic and idealistic attitude, quite often accompanied by a leftist political orientation. The aim of the exhibition was to evoke Bauhaus' aesthetics and atmosphere through Ivana Tomljenović Meller's photographs.