Curator: Leila Mehulić
Text written by: Leila Mehulić
Designers: Nika Pavlinek and Aleksandar Kovač
Radnička Gallery, 29 June 2012 – 24 August 2012
Exhibition funded by Marijan Hanžeković
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Anthony Slessor's installation is dedicated to the tragedy of Hiroshima, namely 44.4 seconds after the amount of time it took the atomic bomb to fall. This is another work by which Slessor speaks about historical tragedies. Shaping the mimesis of an apocalyptic landscape, ‘Ground Zero’, a 4.4 square mile area destroyed in the explosion, Slessor followed the path of memories and reconstructed the event like a documentarian, using the archival record of an indifferent military report about the event as a soundtrack.